5 Ways to Treat Your Patients This Halloween That Aren’t a Trick for Their Teeth

We all know kids love getting a little something extra in their take-home bags after their appointments—it’s a thoughtful gesture that reminds them they mean more to you than helping your bottom line (not to mention a something their parents will appreciate as well). And there’s no better time than Halloween to go that extra mile with a special take-home surprise.

But those kiddos will be getting more than their share of candy and sweet stuff when they hit the streets for trick-or-treating. That means you’ve got a wonderful opportunity to give them something totally unexpected and tooth-friendly while reminding them of the importance of brushing and flossing away that sugar.

These five Halloween treats are the perfect, unexpected gift to give your young patients to ring in this spooky holiday!

  1. Halloween coloring page
    This is a perfect, easy-to-package gift any children in your office would love. Print out a stack and send them along with a 4-pack of crayons (like these here) and your patients will be sure to go home smiling.
  2. Temporary tattoos
    These are so simple but always a hit with kids! You could get a variety of styles—superheroes, princesses, and animals to name a few—and send a few home with each child who comes in for an appointment around Halloween.
  3. Simple Halloween crafts
    There are a ton of options out there (many you can find online or at a local craft store) that let your young patients get creative. This gives them and their parents a reason to think about your office even after the appointment is over.
  4. Festive pencil eraser
    Give your patients a little something extra to smile about at school. Whether you pick some ghoulish ghosts or bright orange jack-o-lanterns these are a fun and useful way for them to personalize their school supplies. Check out orientaltrading.com for a lot of great options.
  5. Glow sticks/bracelets/necklaces
    This is a classic toy that all kids love. Nothing adds spookiness like the eerie glow of a glow stick in the dark. And for those of your patients who are fashionistas a glow bracelet or necklace would be the perfect addition to their costume.

When you’re treating your patients this Halloween we hope you’ll find this a helpful list. And if you’ve got any favorite patient giveaways for this time of year we didn’t mention let us know in the comments. Have a happy Halloween!