Adaptable Message for Dental Practices
Clear, concise & honest patient communication is essential at times like this. To help you provide patients with the information they need during the continually evolving COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve created this simple and adaptable patient message.
Use it for email or phone messages as is or condense for text message communication. Post it to your practice website so that visitors can quickly and easily know the status of your practice. This template is an ideal starting point to craft timely and relevant messages for your patients.
At {PracticeName} our objective is always to protect our patients, our team and our community’s health. In consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are closing our office(s) for all elective dental treatments until {INSERT DATE}. We will be monitoring the situation and will contact you if the date changes and will be in touch when the office re-opens. Additional details:
- If you experience a dental emergency, please contact us at {Insert emergency/on call number}, and we’ll take care of you. Emergencies include things such as a broken tooth, abscess or ongoing pain.
- If you are in essential ongoing treatment, we will re-schedule your appointment if it’s during this time frame as needed. We will contact you directly with more information.
- Optional:
- You may reach us online at {Insert website} to access our patient portal. Login for history, to pay your bill and access other documents and forms as needed.
For emergency appointments we are implementing infection control and prevention best practices as outlined by the CDC. As always patient care and health remain our top priority, and we are committed to keeping you safe.
We will continue to work with each of you to ensure you get the care you need.
In good health,
The {PracticeName} Team