Dear valued Dental City customers.
As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, please know the Dental City team is here for you. Our loyal customers are of great importance to us – that’s why we’re here to support your team through these challenging times.
Dental City was prepared and ready for the impact of this pandemic. Our team planned and then implemented key strategies to assure we can continue to supply our dental partners with all their supply needs while being smart about our team’s health.
With the use of today’s technology, we continue operating to assist your practice. Account managers are ready to answer your calls, and a team is working to ship orders with the same precision you’ve come to expect.
Additionally, we are following local and federal guidelines to keep employees safe and help slow the spread of COVID-19 by having the vast majority of our staff continuing to work remotely, practicing social distancing and personal and facility hygiene.
We’ll be honest though, because of issues with the industry supply chain everyone is experiencing, we continue to see some disruptions in our own supply chain, particularly with infection control items. Our team is working diligently to minimize the impact on our customers. Please know that we are only working with our trusted and authorized partners to get you the supplies you need.
For the most current information and for answers to any questions on specific products, we recommend calling one of our account managers for assistance at 1-800-353-9595.
We’re in this together. We’ll get through this together. And we thank you for your continued loyalty.
We wish you and all good health,
Dave Withbroe, Roy Stumpf & John Mathys Dental City Owners