DDSUnited and Dental City
On average, dental practices see SAVINGS OF 17.5% when working with Dental City.
We want to bring the savings to your practice quickly and easily while building a strong relationship based on trust with you.
Try our Free Supply Cost Calculator to check your overall supply cost percentage and if it’s where it should be.
Upload a copy of a recent supply invoice to see just how much you could save with Dental City or call Dave Sanchez at 1-800-353-9595 Ext. 131 to lock in your custom DDSUnited pricing.
Supply Cost Calculator
Did you know that your dental supplies shouldn’t cost you more than 4-5% of your annual revenue?
Do you know what your supply cost percentage currently is?
Invoice Price Comparison
Upload a copy of a recent supply invoice from your practice to see just how much we could help you save.
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