A few of us from Dental City had the opportunity to partake in 3M’s Channel Partner Academy at their Innovation Center in Minnesota.
So, essentially, we got to learn some great in depth information about their products, use some of the products in real life (I can now say I’ve done a composite filling and have the filled fake tooth to prove it!), and take a tour of their AMAZING innovation center. Basically, it made for a really awesome Monday.
I think one of the parts of the experience we enjoyed most was getting to see just how much 3M’s innovations touch pretty much every aspect of our day to day lives.

We played with the most reflective material in the world—something that’s used to reflect light in electronics we use every day.
We got to test the strength of their adhesives. No one, even the strongest in our group, was able to get the seal to budge.
We tested out some gloves whose grip is supposed to add yards to your golf drive.
All in all, you could color us impressed.

Also, we learned a lot about what problems dental professionals struggle with in their jobs and how to be even better partners with you as we help you purchase the right supplies for your office.
And that’s what our job really comes down to. Understanding your profession and helping you make educated choices with your supply needs.
So we’ve really got to give a big shout out to our wonderful hosts at 3M—they opened their doors to our team and let us leave a little smarter and a whole lot more appreciative for all the wonderful technology we have in the dental industry and in our own lives.
It was a pretty wonderful day.