Let’s just hit the ground running, shall we? Because, really, anyone reading this article already has at least a subconscious understanding of the benefits of blogging.
It’s literally free interaction of potential (and current) patients with your practice.
Right now you’re interacting with Dental City (Hi! We’re happy you’re here!) on your terms and in your time. Which is awesome for you and for us. You’re learning more about Dental City as a company while also getting valuable information for your own practice.
You see? That’s a benefit of blogging.
And there are plenty more. Here is our complete list of all the reasons why your office needs a blog.
You will have increased credibility
This is especially important for attracting new patients. Blogging is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to those who haven’t experienced them yet and helps to build trust with patients even before they walk through your door. Think about it—like a good review, articles demonstrating your dental expertise help lessen the apparent “risk” people feel when choosing new dentist. It gives them a sense of “knowing” your practice and your capabilities, meaning they’re more likely to choose you.
It lets patients experience the personality of your office
It’s your blog so you get to decide the tone and how you want to communicate with your patients. Use plenty of “I,” “We,” and “You,” statements so it sounds conversational. And don’t be afraid to get personal. Share relevant information about your office and team. Just added a new hygienist? Perfect—give them a warm introduction on your blog. Have some great, teeth-healthy recipes? Awesome—share them with patients. This is your place to show you’re more than a clinical, healthcare office and goes hand in hand with increased credibility in helping to eliminate hesitation new patients may have in choosing your office.
It is a perfect addition to your social media marketing
Blogging can help make sure your social media posts aren’t all variations of the same happy patients and corny dental jokes (though, both are definitely enjoyable!). As soon as you publish an article to your blog simply post it to all your social media accounts as well—you’ll maximize the exposure and effectiveness of your blog and make sure you give your patients useful information.
Better web presence than a “set it and forget it” site
When it comes to search engine rankings, websites that continually add new, quality content rank higher than sites that are simply “there.” That means each additional blog article you post helps increase your chances that you’ll reach the potential patients you’re looking for. Search engines will view your site as up to date and relevant and be more likely to show your site as a top search result. And since the majority of people now search for dentists online, having a high search engine ranking is one of the most important—and effective—tools for getting new patients.