Well, another Midwinter meeting is officially in the books.
We kicked off our time in Chicago with a team dinner at MK The Restaurant Wednesday night. And, while skeptical at first, I can now say starting with the octopus is a great idea.
Then we rested up for a whirlwind day on Thursday.
There were five of us wandering the floor and we took a divide and conquer approach. Over the course of the day we had the pleasure of meeting with over 20 manufacturers, talking to old friends and meeting new ones, and seeing some awesome new products.
The day started at Keystone Industries’ booth. Free nail polish and mouth guards ensued.
And someone snapped that great shot of one of our sales trainers—clearly she knows we don’t like to take things too seriously while we’re there!
We had an awesome meeting with some of our favorites from 3M.
Then we hit another few meetings before hobbling our way to the cab line. (Or that may have been just me. Everyone else seemed to be better at sticking with the idea of comfortable shoes.)
And, as is the Dental City way, we ended Thursday night with another team dinner. This time we hit up Mexique (remember we mentioned it here?) and enjoyed another wonderful night of food and conversation.
Not to mention getting to meet the chef—no big deal or anything.
Hope everyone who went to the Midwinter enjoyed their time in Chicago as much as we did!