Social media is a vital part of your dental practice’s marketing toolbox. Not only does it allow your savvy practice to reach out to and draw in new patients, but it can build loyalty with your current patients. Best of all, it may help your office understand the people who respond to social media messages so you can tweak those messages to attract the patients you seek.
Your social media says a great deal about your practice. It can have a powerful impact on brand perception and influence the types of patients your practice attracts. Consider what you want potential patients to think or know about your practice and build messaging from there.
You Are Trustworthy
Patients appreciate a friendly, warm social media presence that demonstrates your experience and why they can trust your practice. Potential patients want to feel as though you engage with them on a personal level and see that you exhibit the skill, empathy and compassion they hope to receive in the exam chair . Sharing testimonials from a few loyal patients is a great way to do this.
You Are Worth the Trip
Social media provides potential patients the information they need to make an informed decision about which professionals they’ll visit. Not only does your online presence provide a showcase for excellent reviews about your service and attitude, it also offers the opportunity to show patients who you are and how you work to demonstrate you’re a smart choice for dental care. A quick video of a staff member performing a routine exam (with patient permission!) will show followers your expertise.
You’re Involved in the Community
Social media and other digital platforms have become the new “word of mouth” advertising. Where patients once might have recommended your office in a conversation, they now share links to your practice online with friends and family. A solid social media presence projecting your desired image is more likely to gain online traffic and expose you to more potential patients.
Social Medial also allows for the creation of vital ties within your professional community. Build up your referral network by connecting with other reputable dental and medical professionals in your community, so that patients can see you surround yourself with knowledgeable and trustworthy people.
You Demonstrate an Interest in Patients (that goes beyond business)
Social media can too often feel like an endless reel of advertisements. Share useful hygiene tips, interesting dental facts, humorous anecdotes and more to demonstrate you care about connecting with patients on a personal level (and not just as “customers” to get through the door). This can also build a loyal following that spreads your brand more widely than other forms of advertising. Social media allows you to set yourself apart from other practices and make you more appealing to patients. (or something similar to end this sentence).
You Know Your Target Audience
While you could advertise a discounted service to bring in one-time patients, you want clients who will stay and support your practice for years to come. Tune your online message to attract the patients you want. For example, if you enjoy caring for more senior patients share a video with tips for maintaining oral health later in life. Keeping your social media updated will help achieve your intended outreach. Once you get started, set a schedule where you update once or twice a week to keep your message fresh.
Your expertise is dental care and managing your practice–not necessarily social media marketing. Crafting your online messaging, though, is important today to ensure you’re attracting and retaining loyal patients. If you don’t have the time or expertise you feel you need, don’t be afraid to reach out to those who have the knowledge and experience to help you navigate and elevate your social media presence. Contact someone you trust, or our partners at IMPACT Digital Marketing can help without any long-term commitment. You can learn more here.