4 Ways to Maximize the Productivity of Your Hygiene Appointments
Read MoreWhy Your Practice Should Implement New Patient Interviews
Nearly all (if not all) dental practices have an ongoing goal to grow their practice through acquiring new patients. But not all practices have a solid plan in place for how to turn those new patients into loyal members of their dental practice family. If your...
3 Simple Ways to Enrich Your Dental Career through Networking
In the dental industry networking with dental professionals outside out of the practice you work in is invaluable to your career. Whether that means finding a mentor who can help open the door to new opportunities or a mutually beneficial relationship with...
The benefits of a dental membership plan for your practice
At the end of 2016 nearly 25% of Americans didn’t have dental insurance. That’s 74.3 million people who have no assistance in paying for dental care—or who may simply avoid going to the dentist at all for fear they wouldn’t be able to afford their treatment. That’s a...
Avoid Holes in Your Hygiene Schedule with these Simple Tips
Hygiene appointments are the foundation of most general dental practices, so it is vital that you keep your schedule full and have plans in place for what to do when you have a last minute-cancellation or worse—a no show. Instead of leaving your hygiene schedule up to...
5 Tips for Reducing Office Overhead Costs
Running a dental practice can get expensive—especially when small expenses go unnoticed with the staff’s attention focused on providing exceptional dental care. But over time even the smallest expenses can add up and increase overhead costs to make your practice less...
Are You Listening Yet? 7 Interesting Podcasts for Dental Professionals
Have you joined the podcast craze yet? Instead of tuning to your favorite station or streaming music through their phone, many people are turning to Podcasts on their morning commutes or as a way to wind down after a stressful day. And with thousands to choose from on...
Confidence is Key: Win Patients Over by Being the Expert in the Room
No matter the role you play on your dental team when you’re with a patient they trust you to take care of their dental needs without hesitation. That could be something as simple as helping them fill out a new patient form in the reception area to walking them through...
3 Simple Ways Insurance Companies Deny Claims (And How to Avoid Them)
We’re pretty sure there are few things in life less enjoyable than dealing with the mysterious world that is insurance companies. With regulations and red tape galore, even submitting the simplest claim for your patients can lead to headaches and—even worse—denied...
Practice Safety: Are You Handling Your Biohazard Waste Correctly?
As anyone who’s spent any time in the dental field knows, dentistry isn’t all pearly white smiles. Helping patients maintain a healthy mouth and teeth means performing procedures that can result in a variety of biohazard s like blood, tissue, sharps and more. It’s all...
3 Smart HIPAA Compliance Practices for Your Dental Office
Anyone who’s worked in the dental or medical industry knows the importance of protecting private patient information. After all, the heart of a dental practice is patient care. But with the seemingly endless regulations that can be vague, confusing or a combination of...
Here’s What You Need to Know about How Facebook Works for Businesses in 2018
Earlier this year Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook’s algorithm (the way Facebook determines what users see in their News Feeds) will begin to prioritize “meaningful interactions” between users—particularly family and friends—which means companies...
Is Your Practice Busy But Not Productive?
Does that seem like a strange question? Do you think that busy generally equates to productive at your practice? If you do it may be time to rethink that. Busyness can equate to productivity, yes, but it can also be deceptive. For example, someone can busy themselves...
There’s No Such Thing as Down Time – 5 Things You Can Do On a “Slow” Day
A dental practice level of productivity can often by measured solely as the number of patients on the schedule. That means it’s only natural that some days will be more productive than others in terms of patient care load. On those days especially full days you work...
If You’re Not Asking New Patients These 3 Questions on the Phone You’re Missing Out
Does your office have certain phone protocols anyone at the front desk is supposed to follow? If not, you should really consider putting some in place. The initial phone call with a potential patient is key to new patient conversion. One of the most important aspects...
Rank Higher in Local Search Results by Utilizing This Google Feature
Do you have a well-designed and intuitive website that you know would entice patients once they landed on it? Do you also feel like you put a lot of time, thought and effort into a site that just isn’t getting enough traffic? Then a Google My Business listing can...
The 5 Best Types of Articles to Share on Your Dental Practice Blog
Based on our own experience of maintaining a blog we know that finding topics to write about that actually resonate with your target audience (provide education, entertainment, timely information, etc.) isn’t always easy. You can spend hours scouring the interwebs...
Not All Patients Are Created Equal: How to Market to Your Ideal Patient
Last week we discussed how not all new patients are the right new patients. To truly grow your practice and achieve goals you need to acquire patients that add value to your practice by showing up for appointments (on time), being receptive to your treatment...
Not All Patients Are Created Equal: How to Attract the Right Patients for Your Practice
When it comes to growing your dental practice, it can be easy to slip into the mindset of attracting new patients at all costs, and to believe that any new patient on the schedule is the patient you’ve been waiting for to help you hit your goals. But we’re willing to...
9 Essential Elements of a Patient-Pleasing Dental Website
Yes, we’re aware that by now you know the importance of having a strong web presence—from your practice website to social media and more. However, it’s never a bad time to re-evaluate your site to see where its strengths and weaknesses lie. After all, wouldn’t...
The best leaders learn from their mistakes—do you?
At Dental City we strongly believe anyone can be a leader because leadership isn't just designated to individuals in certain roles. From the top dog in a business (or a dentist in a dental office) to the newest employee on a team, being a leader comes not from...
7 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in the New Year
Happy 2018, everyone! As our Dental City team is ready to tackle another year in the dental industry we make sure to review the past year and what we learned from it—where were our successes and where could we have done better. Are you doing the same? Are you...
Putting Patients On Hold? Here’s How to Ensure They Stay On The Line
Did you know? Customers put on hold with background music thought a 30-second hold was only 15 seconds. The average on hold time across all industries is 38 seconds. Callers stay on the phone 25% longer when there is a hold message versus just music or silence. Most...
The Top 7 Ways to Become More Productive
Are there ever days that you feel just won’t end? Or weeks where by Thursday you find yourself thinking more about your weekend plans than the work you have waiting for you at your desk or in your exam room? If you don’t answer yes to that question congratulations!...
5 Tips For Effectively Managing Your Dental Practice Supply Inventory
This is an updated version of an article we published in March of 2016 on how to effectively manage dental supply inventory. We added some extra information to give you the best tips for successful inventory management for your practice! As a dental supply...